On March 17th, 2020 the partners of the consortium held the global meeting for the five months of the Mapping Air Quality With High Accuracy and High-Spatial Resolution project (GA N. 878799). In response to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting, initially planned to be celebrated in Barcelona at the Cisco Innovation Center, was held remotely, using the videoconferencing application WebEx offered to the consortium by CISCO.
It was the opportunity for the consortium to share what have been done so far as well as the upcoming challenges. The project started in November 2019 and it is progressing smoothly in several directions, from the industrialisation of the manufacturing to scaling-up of the software platform. During the meeting the brand-new website of the project was shown to the partners, as well as marketing material.
The partners acknowledged that the COVID-19 outbreak will have a strong impact on the project and the consortium needs to be aware of the evolving situation to take all the corrective measures for the full achievement of the goals of the MappingAir project.